Unlimited: How to Win The Fight of Faith

Dec 23, 2024 1773

Unlimited: How to Win The Fight of Faith

Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him (Hebrews 11:6, KJV).

Christian warfare is utterly unlike the conflicts of this world. It does not depend on the strong arm, the quick eye, or the swift foot. It is not waged with physical weapons, but with spiritual. Faith is the hinge on which victory turns. Success depends entirely on believing. Faith in the truth of God’s written Word is the primary foundation of the Christian soldier’s character.

As for true Christians, faith is the very backbone of their spiritual existence. No one ever fights earnestly against the world, the flesh, and the devil, unless he wears on his heart certain great principles which he believes.

A special faith in our Lord Jesus Christ’s person, work, and office, is the life, heart and motivating force of the Christian soldier’s character.

The Fight of Faith is a fight to keep your faith strong.

By faith, the Christian see the Saviour, who loved him, gave himself for him, paid his debts for him, bore his sins, carried his transgressions, rose again for him, and appears in heaven for him as his Advocate at the right hand of God. Seeing this Saviour and trusting in him, he feels peace and hope, and willingly does battle against the enemies of his soul – J.C. Ryle (adapted)

Reflection: It called the Fight of “Faith” for a reason. It’s not a fight to be good, better, or perfect. It’s not a fight to be more knowledgeable in doctrinal matters than the next person. It’s a fight to keep your faith strong. How is your Fight of Faith going?

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