Unlimited: I Am

Aug 6, 2024 2218

Unlimited: I Am

Again, the high priest asked him, “Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?”

“I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.” The high priest tore his clothes. “Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked. “You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?” They all condemned him as worthy of death (Mark 14:61–64. NIV).

During his trial before the High Priest Caiaphas, Jesus refused to answer the many accusations made against him.

An infuriated High Priest stood up and demanded that Jesus answer the charges. And still, Jesus didn’t say a word.

Caiaphas, who was used to being in charge, seemed to have completely lost control of the situation. So, now Caiaphas intervened again. And this time, Jesus responded.

Mark says that Caiaphas asked Jesus “again.” This implies that the High Priest repeatedly asked Jesus about his identity.

This time the High Priest asked Jesus a very specific question. He asked Jesus if he is the Messiah, the Son of God.

Now, finally Jesus answered, and when he does, his answer is astounding. The first time he opened his mouth at his trial was to utter the words,

“I am”.

In the Greek, it’s ego eimi, the sacred name by which the God of the Exodus had identified himself to the Israelites. And then he quotes straight from Daniel 7:13. Here, Jesus is announcing that he is the divine one who will fulfil the prophecies of Daniel. In this brief exchange, Jesus identified himself not only as their God, but as their Messiah and Saviour, who would fulfil all prophecy.

For anyone other than God himself to say these things was blasphemy. The Sanhedrin condemned him as worthy of death.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Have you really understood who Jesus is? When you understand the implications of what Jesus claimed at his trial, it will completely reshape your understanding of the Bible, of prophecy, and of what happened at the Cross.

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George A Borbor

Apr 9, 2023

I am so blessed within me, thank you

Frank sisi

May 17, 2021

Thank you So much fór thé wonderfull message,helping my FAITH grow more stronger


May 15, 2021

My Name is Olivia Jeter I would love to share my story with you how God has Delivery me from the worse time of my life you see I was a heroin addict and I would shoot up heroin it was an addiction I had no control over one day I seek out for help so I step in St Gilmore Church and it was the 12 step program and I sit there on the front row with my mouth closed and my ears open I listen and that's when I felt God spirit all over my body and that feeling was so amazing so from then on I start reading God words but let me tell you how God delivered me you see he pick me up from the pit of hell from a drug addiction and he turned my life around and he cleaned me up and place my feet on solid ground and from that day on until now I have 22 yrs. in recovery and still have recovery to this day but let me share this with you God is my biggest recovery because of his will in the name of Jesus I wouldn't have made it I overdose four times and God brought me back to life because he had plans for my life and he always been there in my life so you see I give God the glory and I give him the praise in the name of Jesus one day I happen to look up and see the word GNU and I start reading the scripture God's word and this person was talking about me but I have been through and how he had delivered me and I continue on reading GNU cause it has become apart of my daily life today you see GNU words and scriptions plays a great deal in my life it touches base on what God is telling us what's going on today in our lives and how we can release ourselves and Free yourself through his words and prayers you see I had and still give God and Jesus Christ his prayers cause I went to the dark side were my life was at the end I was Dead it was God who lifted me up and breathe life back into my body I thank God everyday and I give Jesus the praise everyday cuz I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for God in the name of Jesus Amen amen hallelujah hallelujah I praise his name and I glorify his name today tomorrow and always thank you for listening to my story in Jesus name and I thank GNU for sharing God words and wisdom through their program amen

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