Unlimited: I Will Go Ahead of You

Jul 20, 2024 2610

Unlimited: I Will Go Ahead of You

 But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee (Mark 14:28, NIV).

On the way to the Mount of Olives, Jesus told his disciples that they will all abandon him, because of what he is about to go through.

He prepared them for what will happen. However, he told them that this won’t be the end.

Jesus gave his disciples the full picture. He told them that they will all fall away, and then he followed this with the wonderful word, “But”

“But” is a word that changes the reality of what has gone before.

“But after I have risen.” This is the reality that will transform the trajectory of the disciples: the resurrection of Jesus. It’s the resurrection of Jesus that makes all the difference in your life as well.

This isn’t just because of the very real resurrection that you can look forward to in the future, but also because Christ’s resurrection also changes everything about how you live your life today.

The first message that Jesus gave his disciples after his resurrection was that he would go ahead of them.

If you feel that you are going through your own personal Calvary, Jesus has gone ahead of you. If you are facing the enemy of death, Jesus has gone ahead of you. On the day of your resurrection, Jesus has gone ahead of you. Wherever the feet of Jesus have stepped, you can safely go. He has won the victory for you.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: What challenge are you facing right now? Jesus has already gone ahead of you. In your prayer time today, mediate on this incredible reality, and give him thanks.

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Stanley Wonlah

Oct 22, 2022

I will always know in every problem, I am going through in life Jesus is at head of me. I never used to follow but from I will.

Frank sisi

Apr 23, 2021

Thank you lord fór going ahead of me


Apr 22, 2021

I will always believe that Jesus is ahead of us all cause I thanks Jesus Christ so much for saving my life I had over dose over drugs in my life but Jesus Christ was very much ahead of me and from then until now oh how I thank Jesus for so much more cause the day I step my feet back in church I was transform as a new creature so I say thank you Lord etc.


Apr 21, 2021

Thank you, I needed to hear this today!!


Apr 20, 2021

He has to be a head of us. in Faith he will always be a head of. Without him we are nothing. Look at the world Have Faith , He will always be there. A head of me and whom ever believes in him. Amen.


Apr 20, 2021



Apr 20, 2021


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