Unlimited: A Touch of Jesus Healing Power

Apr 1, 2024 20209

A woman reached out to experience Jesus healing power in the midst of a crowd. What happened next?

Jesus Healing Power

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” “You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’ ”

But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth. He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (Mark 5:30–34, NIV).

A Surge of Jesus’ Healing Power

Jesus followed Jairus to his house, where his daughter lay gravely ill. But it’s slow going because there are so many people!

But among the crowd, a woman who has been sick for twelve years reached out and touched the hem of his garment, and at that moment, she’s immediately healed from Jesus healing power. In the press of the crowd, Jesus hadn’t felt the woman touch him. But he’d felt the surge of his healing power.

The woman hadn’t expressed her faith other through that slightest touch, but Jesus wanted to give her a chance to express her gratitude. More than that, he wanted to bless her even more. And so, he looked around to see who it was who had been healed.

She comes to Jesus trembling with fear and falls at his feet, and there, before the whole crowd, she told her story, and how Jesus healing power had touched her body.

In response to sharing her story, Jesus says three wonderful things to her. The first thing he does is to affirm her healing. The second thing is to give her his peace. And the third thing he does is to give her freedom.

There are some great lessons for us in this passage. The first one is to not be afraid to tell others what Jesus has done for you, because there’s incredible blessings in it for you.

And the second lesson is that Jesus doesn’t want you just to be healed; he wants you to continue living with healing, peace, and freedom – in a living, faith relationship with him.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: When Jesus addresses this woman, he calls her daughter. She’s a part of the family of God and this title acknowledges her faith. In the family of God is where you find healing, peace, and freedom.

Today, if you’ve accepted Him, Jesus calls you son or daughter! Write a few sentences about being part of God’s family, just like the woman with the issue of blood.

Help Spread the Good News

Taylor Sarah

Jun 23, 2023

I have a great joy in the present of God. Is very good to be part of of God's family, it give you peace, healing, freedom ect. I am enjoying God's grace every day by day.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Nov 27, 2021

What a beautiful testimony of Jesus' transforming love! Thank you, Elaine.

Elaine Walters

Nov 27, 2021

I am so happy and honoured to be called Daughter by Jesus because I've absolutely accepted him in my life. It's so beautiful being part of God's family because of everything he has done for me. My life was a mess before coming to Jesus but I've changed so much since accepting him into my life and being Baptized and making my promises to him. It's such a beautiful feeling having Jesus in your life.


Oct 28, 2021

I took the stand to follow Jesus recently after being in the World for so long. Thankful to my parents for planting the seed and now I finally understand the real meaning of Salvation and Jesus as my Savior. I'm finding a positive change in my life and relationship more so reading the Bible more often encouraged by Bible study with our pastor. These days I'm finding a more peaceful and lighter load on my everyday challenges. In my own experience and is still evolving I can honestly say I feel his love and his presence when I'm in prayer and his guidance to make sense of difficult situations. Thank you Lord for your blessings and showering me with your love and peace and to appreciate the gift of life, family and hope. Most importantly to draw close to you and testify your love to all .Amen


Nov 30, 2020

I accept Jesus in my life and God accepted me as his daughter it's the most general beloving feeling to know that I have been accepted into God family it's a blessing father God down to Jesus the mighty son of Christ to warth his arm's around me to feel Jesus flow within my body it's a warm and Comfort feeling me Olivia Jeter had a deep hole of sorrow and pain in my heart Jesus transform it within me with his love and peace I say from God and son Jesus Christ thanks for accepted me Olivia Sister in Christ Jesus Amen.


Nov 30, 2020


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