Unlimited: Jesus Is The Heart of Christianity
Feb 5, 2017 1980
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words will never pass away(Matthew 24:35).
Christ is the only person who ever lived who claimed to be God, and yet was considered sane by the best of His generation. His influence was greater than all other teachers.
What other teacher ever dared to forecast that His teachings would last forever? Jesus declared, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my Words will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35), and every day brings fresh proof of the truth of this. Each new generation finds in Jesus’ teaching what is new, fresh and inspiring. As we look across the centuries, we see how His Words have passed into laws, into church doctrines, into proverbs, and into words of comfort and support, but they have never passed away.
Jesus said, “I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself”(John 12:32). This claim shows that the inner life and the unifying factor of Christianity would be a person, not a philosophy, and that person is the carpenter of Nazareth. Usually in institutions and religion, we find at the core a set of beliefs, not a person. The heart of Christianity is not a creed, but a person – Jesus Christ. – Des Ford
Eli’s Reflection: Take a moment to think about what is special about Jesus Christ in your life. Thank Christ for these things, and then ask Him to show you one person today with whom you can share this wonderful news.
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