Unlimited: Jesus Was Heaven’s Gift

Jan 3, 2017 1542

They saw the child with His mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11).

Unheralded, the Saviour of the World came down to us. In the quiet of the Bethlehem night, He arrived. Though heaven emptied itself as it bestowed its greatest Treasure, no room was found for Him in the inn. Though angels sang, no fanfare announced His glorious arrival.

Although none accepted Him, He accepts all. He came to live among us, to be Immanuel, “God With Us.” Yet He did not come to show us what God is like in power and glory and praise, but in hunger, thirst, loneliness, rejection and pain.

And in the very heart of that revelation to humanity was the greatest gift of all. For all of us are born to live. We strive to live until the end of our days. But He had come to die, and through His victorious death to put an end to death forever.

He had come to a world that slept in ignorance of its need of a Saviour, to be the Saviour of the world. He who deserved only to receive, came only to give.

How does one honour a child like this? What gift can we give Him?

Wise men brought Him gifts. But the wisest men of all accept Him as the Gift Himself. – Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: This Christmas, most people will be giving gifts to those they love. The story of Bethlehem teaches us that love is all about selfless giving, not to the ones you have reason to love, like your family and friends, but to those who are unworthy. This Christmas, why don’t you give a little gift to someone who would never expect a gift from you?

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