Unlimited: Jesus is Our Saviour

Dec 28, 2024 1600

Unlimited: Jesus is Our Saviour

“Who is this man?” they asked each other. “Even the wind and waves obey him!” (Mark 4:41, NLT).

Who is this man Jesus that we should believe on him? The Man of the Cross is the true Adam, the true Moses, the true prophet, priest, and king. Everything in the Old Testament was written for him.

Christ is Adam, the head of the race, the image of God, the representative of all humanity.

He is Noah who builds a refuge from the wrath of God and thus saves his family.

He is Isaac, the beloved child of promise, miraculously born.

He is Joseph, the most beloved son, who, for pieces of silver, is betrayed by his brethren to the Gentiles, and saves millions with the bread of life.

He is Moses the deliverer who left the palace to redeem his people.

He is our Saviour.

He is our Joshua, leading his people into the Promised Land.

He is our David, the warrior whose name means “beloved,” who was born in Bethlehem, and who never lost a battle when leading God’s people.

He is our Solomon, who builds the temple – the church of God.

Who is this man? He is Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega.

Scripture gives him over 208 titles. Every one of them is sufficient to provide day upon day upon day of meditation – bringing glory, insight, wisdom, and hope.

Who is this Man? He is our Saviour. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: Do you have a favourite character from the Old Testament? How does that person point you to Jesus? List down the qualities about Jesus that that person reveals. Praise God for the list you have made, whether in prayer, in music, or by telling someone else.

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Okurut Martin

Jan 2, 2022

I AM I AM is his pracious marvelous supper glorious Mighty name. A gracious horn of honor, a chief corner Stone. I love you Lord , You are the reason I live today. Glory to your name. Forever and ever AMEN.

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