Unlimited: Jesus is the Good Shepherd

Jan 14, 2025 1583

Unlimited: Jesus is the Good Shepherd

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep (John 10:11, NIV).

Seven individual shepherds are mentioned in the Bible. These seven shepherds are Abel, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Christ, and ”the idol shepherd” of Zechariah 11:16, 17 – a reference to the Antichrist. The other six shepherds are often seen as types of Christ, the Good Shepherd.

We learn of the tragic fate of the Messiah Shepherd from Abel who was murdered by his brother. Christ’s loving care for the lost sheep is prefigured in the life of Jacob (see Genesis 30:31; 31:28-40).

The abundance of bread (“enough and to spare” Luke 15:17) is pictured in the life of Joseph (Genesis 37:2).

It is written of Moses, the fourth shepherd, that he watered, protected and guided the sheep (See also Hebrews 3:2–6).

The good shepherds of the Bible all testify of Jesus, the ultimate good shepherd.

As for David, the fifth individual shepherd presented in the Old Testament, he stands out as a beacon because he gladly risked his life for his sheep (see 1 Samuel 17:34-36).

The good shepherds of the Bible all testify of the One who would be born who would not only be the sacrificial lamb, but also the ultimate Good Shepherd. Jesus said that he was the door to the sheepfold (John 10:7). If anyone enters by that door and nestles in the arms of that Shepherd he will carry him back to the fold of God. – Des Ford (adapted)

Reflection: Most of us don’t have any contact with sheep these days, so the idea of a “good shepherd” can be lost on us. Do some research on sheep. What quality of sheep do you most identify with? Why do you need a “Good Shepherd”?

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