Unlimited: Jesus Puts Your Sin on His Account
Jul 8, 2020 1972

But if he has wronged you or owes anything, put that on my account (Philemon 1:18, NKJV)
Firstly, we were God’s property, and we ran away. Our sin was against God; for this reason it needs atonement. Resolutions can never touch this side of sin, reformation can never wipe it out, but Christ’s atonement meets the case perfectly.
Secondly, the law gives to the sinner no right of appeal. The standard of the law has never for a moment been lowered, but grace steps in and changes the whole matter, and every sinner under grace has the privilege of appealing for divine help.
Thirdly, the sinner flees for refuge to Jesus…
Fourthly, through faith in Christ we are begotten as sons. It is impossible to understand this, but the Word of God, to which may be added our experience, justifies us in believing that it is true, and being sinners we are thus delivered from the bondage of sin and kept from its power.
Fifthly, in this new relation we return to God, and we are not received as slaves, but beloved as Christ Himself…
And thus we stand on redemption ground, and as Onesimus bore the letter to Philemon, so we stand before God in the name of Jesus Christ, and he speaks for us as did Paul for the Roman slave.
– J. Wilbur Chapman
Eli’s Reflection: Find a box or a jar, and label it, “Christ’s Account.” Whenever Satan reminds you of a sin that you have confessed to God, write it down and put it in the container. From time to time, empty it into the trash.
Jul 8, 2020
Amen, God bless you