Unlimited: Jesus Turns Your Endings Into New Beginnings

Jan 3, 2017 1410

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End(Revelation 22:13).

The sisters Mary and Martha thought that it had all ended, now that their brother Lazarus had died. Martha busied herself with the funeral arrangements, and Mary just cried and cried inconsolably.

What was the point of Jesus coming now? Lazarus had been in the grave for four days; at least the mourners were still there. He had come just in time to share in the grief. Even Jesus wept. It was the end. That’s how you mark endings, isn’t it? With tears?

Jesus goes to Mary and He says to her, “Do you believe?” (John 11:26), and although it is through a cloud of tears, she says, “Yes.”

Then Jesus goes to the tomb and cries out with the voice of the Son of the Living God, “Lazarus, come out!” And Lazarus emerged from the grave into the arms of those who loved him.

I don’t know how this year was for you, but I’m sure it wasn’t all good. We call it“the end of the year,” but the question is, “Do you believe?”

If you believe in the One who is the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End, the Resurrection and the Life, then all that seems an end, is only ever a new beginning in disguise. Do you believe? – Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Can you think of something that has ended for you in the last year? How can you use it to inspire you to start something new in the coming new year – something that can be a blessing? Talk to the Lord about about it and ask Him to give you a great idea!

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