Unlimited: Justification and Life for All

Sep 27, 2022 1024

Unlimited: Justification and Life for All

so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people (Romans 5:18b).

Properly understood, there is no notion of the exclusivity of salvation in Paul’s epistle of the Romans; that is, that Christ died only for some people or others. Paul agrees with the apostle John that the gift of grace from the Cross was for the whole world (“God so loved the world….  that whoever believes… – John 3:16).

A few Christians, sometimes called “universalists,” believe in “universal salvation.” This means that they believe that eventually everyone will be saved, even the devil. This is very foreign to the thinking of the apostle Paul as well.

The Cross has secured life for all people, if they will accept it.

Paul always connects the requirement of faith to justification, and he also clearly maintains that those who do not believe in Christ will not be saved (1 Cor. 6:9–10; Gal 5:19–21). Furthermore, there are no second chances after death (Heb. 9:27), which rules out the idea that those who didn’t accept Christ in life will do so after their death.

What Christ did on the Cross was to provide salvation “for all people.” Christ took the sins of the whole world upon himself, and all sin was forgiven. From the Cross he offers to credit his own perfectly righteous life to everyone who trusts in him. Believe it, accept it, and you will live.

Spiritual Application

The Cross has secured life for all people, if they will accept it. When you are next on a busy intersection or in a shopping centre, stop for a moment, and just where you are, just pray in your mind for all those people, that they may open their hearts to accept the love of God.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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