Unlimited: Leading Diligently

Jul 20, 2023 890

Unlimited: Leading Diligently

if it is to lead, do it diligently (Romans 12:8c).

As soon as we see the word “leadership,” we immediately think we know all about it, but our instincts are wrong. We overlay our thinking with the worldly ideas of what it means to be a leader. Tragically, this is often how we view leaders in our churches as well.

Jesus showed us the meaning of true leadership when he performed the work of a slave and washed his disciples’ feet on the night he was betrayed. When he had finished, he said to them,

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master (John 13:15–16.)

In the world, we think that we serve by leading others. However, in the kingdom of God, we lead by serving them.

In the world, we think that we serve by leading others. However, in the kingdom of God, we lead by serving them.

In this list of spiritual gifts it is significant that Paul lists leadership after serving, teaching, encouragement and generosity. The world tells us that leadership is the most important, but that is not the case in the kingdom of God. A true leader must first of all know how to serve. A true leader will also pass on what they know and teach others. A true leader will encourage, and be generous to others with their time, attention, and care.

Spiritual Application

All of us are leaders in some sense, whether we have a formal leadership position or not. In what ways have you become more like Jesus in your leadership?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Isaac Omoudoyo

Jul 23, 2023

God bless you for the word and the gift of God upon your life. It’s often challenging when you live in midst of people who abuse service and take it as weakness. I live in such an environment; thank God for his grace.


Jul 21, 2023

Thank you for today’s message. You will only accept a Leadership position if you possess Leadership qualities. The same way Leaders should also not appoint square peg Leaders into round holes. A perfect Leader is one who serves the people and not vise versa.

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