Unlimited: More Than Conquerors

Feb 21, 2023 835

Unlimited: More Than Conquerors

No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).

Paul says that through Jesus you can be more than a conqueror. Could there possibly be anything greater than being a conqueror? How can there be something more than winning?

The ancient world knew all about conquerors. In the time of the apostle Paul the empire was enjoying a period of peace that had been established by a series of Roman emperors after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC.

Most of the first believers in Jesus were from the lower classes of society. Slaves and women were disproportionately represented among the early Christian communities. They were largely the oppressed, not the conquerors.

Through Jesus we can be more than conquerors.

But whom God considers a conqueror has little to do with how the world considers victory. Being a conqueror has to do with friendship with God, having overcome sin through the imputed righteousness of Christ, so that ultimately all evil will be destroyed from our lives.

Being a conqueror isn’t really focused on your social status, your prosperity, your health, or with having things seemingly go right in your life. You can be a conqueror even if you are living in a mud hut in an impoverished part of the world or suffering with terminal cancer in the west.

There is no greater victory than the one that Christ has already won for you!

Spiritual Application

Conquerors don’t always feel like conquerors. They have their “down” days too! What is an area in your life in which you don’t feel as if you are a conqueror? What can you do to refocus it on Jesus and his victory on your behalf?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

Feb 23, 2023

Yeah! Apostle Paul is right on this matter. We more than conqueres. Thanks

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