Unlimited: My Sinful Nature
Dec 1, 2024 1225

As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. 18 For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature (Romans 7:17–18a).
Paul affirms here that he has a sinful nature. He will have it until God removes it at glorification. Paul acknowledges that in his natural self, in his sinful nature, good doesn’t dwell within him. It is due to Paul’s sinful nature that he does the things that he doesn’t want to do.
The “sinful nature” refers to the corruption of the human heart to its very depths. Paul is someone who has been saved by Jesus Christ. Yet he still recognises what is true for every human being, whether a follower of Christ or not: that this side of eternity, sin always dwells within us. Paul, as do we, lives in two realities: the reality of the flesh and the reality of the Spirit.
The “sinful nature” refers to the corruption of the human heart to its very depths.
Because “good itself does not dwell” in you, this is why salvation will never be found within you, but instead it must always come from outside you. Good dwells only in God, as Christ said to the rich young ruler,
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone (Mark 10:18.)
This is completely contrary to the deceitful messages of the world, and also of the false gospels that some Christians believe. Salvation will never be found by looking within, but only in looking to Jesus.
Spiritual Application
In your spiritual walk, how much time do you spend looking within? In contrast, how much time do you spend looking to Jesus? What can you do to look at yourself less and at Jesus more?
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