Unlimited: There Was No Room For Jesus, But There’s Room For You
Jan 3, 2017 1286
There was no room for them in the inn (Luke 2:9).
Yet there is room (Luke 14:22).
Although “there was no room” for Christ at Bethlehem’s inn, yet, as the second part of our text explains, “there is room” for you in His heart of love, in His Kingdom of Grace, in His Father’s heavenly mansions. At His manger crib “there is room” for every sinner, especially the desperate and downtrodden, including those of you who write me tear-stained letters declaring that the transgressions of the past rise up to disturb you, waking or sleeping.
When you come to Jesus in faith and He comes to you in His mercy, He removes the curse of your sin. He washes away its stain. The fire of His devotion burns away your iniquity. The power of His presence purifies your heart and strengthens your life. Take courage and believe on this Christmas Day that nothing can keep you from Bethlehem and the forgiveness in the newborn Saviour!…
From shore to shore let us unite in exulting, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men,” all through the Christ Child for whom there was “no room” at His birth, but through whom, by the rebirth of faith, we find eternal room! God grant every one of you this Christmas blessing! Amen! – Walter A. Maier
Eli’s Reflection: What can you do in this coming year to make more room for Jesus in your life? It will cost something: perhaps your time, your energy, or your money. Commit right now to making more room for Jesus in your life this coming year.
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