Unlimited: There is Nothing Irretrievable With God

Oct 11, 2021 1482

Unlimited: There is Nothing Irretrievable With God

Gather up the fragments… so that nothing is lost (John 6:12, NKJV).

Many things appear, and are, irretrievable to us, but there is nothing irretrievable with God. This is a great gospel to my heart.

He, who knows how to take advantage of the fall to bring in the redemption, may be safely trusted with each event, and with every action, good and bad. I believe that love reigns and that love will prevail. I believe that he says to me every morning, “Begin again your journey and your life; your sins, which are many, are not only forgiven, but they shall be made, by the wisdom of God, the basis on which he will build blessings.” 

There is nothing irretrievable.

So we believe. Even our sins shall be made, by the wisdom of God, the basis on which he will build blessings. Even our sins and our mistakes! Even the saddest of our mistakes: the ones we made when we listened for his guiding voice but did not quite succeed in disentangling it from the voice of self-love.

God will build a blessing on them, and in the light of heaven the mysteries will be solved, the gains of our losses made clear, and fullest scope be found for the disciplined abilities we have developed on earth. – William E. Sangster (adapted)

Reflection: The idea that God will use even your sins as the basis on which to build blessings in your life seems like a radical one. Think about your past and how that might be true for you. Then it’s time to thank him and praise him!

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John kakumba

Oct 11, 2021

I believe so,may my situation turn into blessings.

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