Unlimited: Predestined, Called, Justified and Glorified

Feb 7, 2023 979

Unlimited: Predestined, Called, Justified and Glorified

And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified (Romans 8:30).

Paul here presents a sequence of four saving actions of God towards us. He has predestined us, he has called us, he has justified us, and he has glorified us. It is important to see that each one of these actions are God’s actions, and not ours. They are at God’s initiative, and not ours. All that we can do is accept and respond in gratitude.

These savings actions of God are also centred upon the Cross of Christ. God predestined you for glory an eternity before you were born, and he called you from the time that you developed awareness. God’s call on your life points you back to the Cross, where he justified you.

God has predestined us, he has called us, he has justified us, and he has glorified us.

It is important to notice that Paul says that God “glorified” us, in the past tense.  By this he means that when we accept Christ’s salvation, we also accept that we gloriously rose with him at his resurrection. That’s when we were glorified. It isn’t in the future. It isn’t in the present. It’s already happened (Eph. 2:6–7.)

God finishes what he starts, and in terms of your salvation, he finished it when Jesus announced it from the Cross: “It is finished.” All you need to do is receive it.

Spiritual Application

Read Ephesians 2:6–7. That is your reality today. Now walk in it!

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Feb 13, 2023

Amazing, Kertoler! God bless you mightily! - Eliezer Gonzalez

Kertoler Darpleh

Feb 7, 2023

Thanks you so much for GNU devotional. The last time I was asked to share my story with you, and I was not under network. I just wanted to share short story with you today. I repented 1992 in the village call Bluntuo,Nimba county District#5 Liberia. To be honest, God Almighty love so much, God Almighty can review HIMSELF to me so many ways, some can be inervoice, some can be dream. I have even decided open a church to the place where there is no church by the power of God Almighty not by my power, I only need your prayer.

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