Unlimited: Probabilities Have Nothing To Do With Faith
Sep 27, 2021 1214

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1, KJV).
What is Faith? In the simplest manner in which I am able to express it, I answer: Faith is the assurance that the thing which God has said in His Word is true, and that God will act according to what He has said in His Word. This assurance, this reliance on God’s Word, this confidence, is Faith.
Impressions have neither one thing nor the other to do with faith. Faith has to do with the Word of God. It is not impressions, strong or weak, which will make any difference. We have to do with the written Word and not ourselves or our impressions.
Faith is not about probabilities.
Many people are willing to believe regarding those things that seem probable to them. Faith has nothing to do with probabilities. The province of faith begins where probabilities cease, and sight and sense fail.
A great many of God’s children are cast down, and lament their want of faith. They write to me and say that they have no impressions, no feeling, they see no probability that the thing they wish will come to pass. Appearances are not to be taken into account. The question is, whether God has spoken it in His Word. – George Mueller
Reflection: Is there a difficult issue you are struggling with right now? Take a piece of paper and write, “My feelings tell me that…” and then write, “God tells me that…” Write down what your feelings are telling you, and then write down some Bible promises from God. Look at them carefully. Which will you believe? Make this the subject of prayer.
Maria - You are welcome to share your own insights here if you have something valuable to add. Grace and Peace. Eliezer
Your interpretation of the word faith is totally wrong. Read the Bible intensively, and you will understand the meaning of the word FAITH
Okurut Martin
Sep 30, 2021
Definitely the word if can't mingle with the word faith in anyway.