Unlimited: Receive Her in the Lord
Dec 21, 2023 590

I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way worthy of his people and to give her any help she may need from you, for she has been the benefactor of many people, including me (Romans 16:2).
In his farewells at the end of his letter to the church in Rome, Paul highlights Phoebe, who is a deacon. He urges the believers to receive her in a way worthy of the Lord’s people.
The reality is that in the churches which Paul founded, women exercised authority alongside men in every role. However, that doesn’t mean that women didn’t face the same prejudices that they have had to face throughout history. It seems that’s why the apostle feels the need to reinforce that, when she arrives, the believers should act toward her in a manner worthy of the Lord’s people.
He urges the believers to receive her in a way worthy of the Lord’s people.
In the previous verse, Paul referred to Phoebe as a deacon. Now he refers to her as a “benefactor” (NIV.) The Greek word Paul uses has as its meaning, “a woman set over others.” Phoebe was definitely a leader in the church. That’s why the CEV translates the last part of this verse as,
…she has proved to be a respected leader for many others, including me.
It appears that as an independent businesswoman, Phoebe leveraged her travels, resources, and influence to grow the Christian movement.
For a child of God, there is no separation of the secular and the holy in their lives. That’s why God was able to use Phoebe in his kingdom.
Spiritual Application
Do you receive those who serve others within the broader Christian church “in a manner worthy of God’s people”? Do we do so regardless of gender?
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