Unlimited: Rescued by Jesus
Dec 8, 2024 1300

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! (Romans 7:25a).
Paul’s anguished cry in the previous verse,
“Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death?”
is answered by this second cry, a triumphant affirmation of deliverance through Jesus Christ!
In this way, the Gospel is the answer to a question. If you don’t appreciate the question, you won’t understand the answer. And if you don’t understand the answer, the question will leave you in hopelessness.
Dr Des Ford once told me that a child of God is both simultaneously always a penitent, and always a saint. This encapsulates both the question and the answer, the twin truths of a Christian’s life. We live both in the awareness of our sin, and we rejoice in the knowledge of our deliverance through Christ.
Jesus is our deliverer and victor over all.
There aren’t many reasons to celebrate in the seventh chapter of Romans, however Paul finishes it with one of the most triumphant expressions in all of Scripture. He finishes with the name of Jesus, our deliverer and victor over all.
Notice also that the one who delivers us is “Jesus Christ our Lord.” This tells us what happens next. When we have been saved by Jesus, we will accept him as the Lord of our lives, the one whom we will serve and obey.
Spiritual Application
When is the last time you have given thanks to God, and I mean really given thanks to God? Make a specific plan to express your thanks to him in a special way and at a definite time this week.
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