Unlimited: When It Seems God Isn’t There, He Is
Jan 25, 2017 1419
I am glad for your sake that I was not there (John 11:15).
Christ was glad because He had a bigger plan. He raised Lazarus from the dead to encourage all who would lose loved ones in death, and He gave encouragement to the bereaved of all ages.
Perhaps Christ is still saying, in some of the situations in our lives, “For your sake, I am glad I was not there” (John 11:15). Perhaps He has a much bigger plan than the one we would thrust upon Him immediately.
This we know – our God does all things well. Our perspective is so cramped, and we see but dimly.
God isn’t always to be perceived just in light and glory. He’s also in the darkness. According to Scripture, justice and righteousness are the foundation of His throne, but clouds and darkness are round about Him (Psalm 97:2). The stars shine brighter on the darkest nights.
The Bible tells us we are never alone in the darkness. There is One who holds our hand, a very present help in trouble.
We see darkly, we stumble, and we wander in our pain. But when we see our God – who loves supremely, who is there for us, and who cares – then we realise that tears are often the birth pangs of greatness. – Des Ford
Eli’s Reflection: Could it be that God has a bigger plan for you that you just can’t see? Perhaps a plan that stretches into eternity? Are you willing to submit to His eternal plan for you, even though it may mean going through darkness and tears? If you are ready to do so, surrender your life completely to God in prayer.
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