Unlimited: The Sermon on the Mount Teaches You How to Live
Feb 2, 2022 1231

Whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them (Matthew 7:12, NKJV).
Other than the words from the Cross, the Sermon on the Mount is the greatest utterance in all human language.
The Sermon on the Mount teaches how the Christian should live in the Kingdom of God. The Christian is to love like God, forgive like God, and trust like Christ (John 8:29; 19:11). Jesus walked in the consciousness of the presence of his Father. This is how we are to live.
The Sermon on the Mount has been the comforter and the encourager of all ages; it sweetens life by bringing Heaven down to earth. Think how much it has meant to the world to have the ideal of the golden rule (Matthew 7:12).
The Sermon on the Mount has been the comforter and encourager of all ages
The picture of a God who sends rain on the just and the unjust, that causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good – what that has meant to the world! The practical advice about not worrying about tomorrow: “Sufficient for the day is its own trouble” (Matthew 6:34, NKJV) – what that has meant to the world!
We get that from the Sermon on the Mount. Only live a day at a time. “In this manner, therefore, pray: … Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:9,11, NKJV). Not tomorrow’s bread, but this day’s. – Des Ford (adapted)
Reflection: Examine yourself. Are you satisfied with today’s bread, or are you seeking tomorrow’s? What practical steps can you take to increase your faith?
Thanks am blessed to be enlighten in this generation where things go on the opposite way.
I'm blessed and I feel encouraged
Am blessed this endless truth . you too be blessed.
Andrew Collins Kulame
Feb 4, 2022
I'm blessed with the truth and principles pointed out to be applied daily in our Christian walks of life.