Unlimited: Set Free from Sin

Oct 11, 2022 1029

Unlimited: Set Free from Sin

For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body ruled by sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin— because anyone who has died has been set free from sin (Romans 6:6–7).

Your “old self” can be a problem, can’t he (or she)? Just when you think he’s dead and buried, he keeps popping up and causing you headaches. You have to keep reminding yourself that the old self has no more power to rule over you anymore! Paul has much more to say about this struggle in the next chapter (ch.7).

Paul is elaborating on the topic of what it means to spiritually die and rise with Christ. The issue here is one of spiritual dominion. What, or who, is it that rules in your life?

If you have died to sin by accepting Christ’s death on your behalf, then you have been set free from sin and are no longer a slave to it.

You will be either ruled by sin or be a slave to it. Or, if you have died to sin by accepting Christ’s death on your behalf, then you have been set free from sin and are no longer a slave to it. The issue is not whether there will be sin in your life; that is a given. The issue is whether you will be a slave to it, or whether you will serve the Lord.

Paul’s response to this is that “our old self” that continuously served sin as a slave, was crucified with Christ at the Cross. As a result, we are free of the rulership of sin in our lives.

Spiritual Application

Paul says that “anyone who has died has been set free from sin.” This isn’t something that happens in the future, but instead it happened in the past, when Jesus died at Calvary. How does this truth impact on your assurance of salvation?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News


Oct 17, 2022

These comfort words makes my life to grow in Christ life hope to remain in Christ and die with christ

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