Unlimited: Set Your Mind on Things Above

Apr 1, 2019 2226

Unlimited: Set Your Mind on Things Above

Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For… your life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:2–3, NKJV). 

Although you cannot act on the emotions directly by the will, you can act directly on your understandings – on your thoughts – and your thoughts will act on your affections. If a person wants to love Jesus Christ, he must think about Him. That is plain English. It is useless for a person to try to force his wandering affections by any other course than by concentrating his thoughts.

Set your minds on the things that are above, and that will consolidate and direct the emotions. Then the thoughts and the emotions together will shape the outward efforts.

Seeking the things that are above will only come when mind and heart are occupied with Christ. There is no other way by which the externals can be made right than by guarding the door of our hearts and minds. This inward discipline must be put in force before there will be any strength or consistency in our outward aim.

We need a clear perception and a concentrated purpose, and the only way to get these is in falling back, by thought and meditation, upon the truths that provide them both. – Alexander Maclaren adapted

Eli’s Reflection: It is too easy for us to live according to the flesh, instead of walking in the Spirit. The new life is God’s gift to us through the Holy Spirit to all who have been saved, however, we must choose it, and we must learn to walk in it. What are you doing to intentionally choose the Spirit over the flesh, and to walk in it?  What can you do to set your mind on things above?

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