Unlimited: Share the Everlasting Gospel
Mar 4, 2025 1675

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptised will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:15–16, NKJV).
The writers of the New Testament are at pains to point out that the Gospel that must be preached is the identical Gospel as preached by Christ and the apostles. That’s why the Bible calls it “the everlasting Gospel” (Revelation 14:6).
In 1 Corinthians 15:3, you have Scripture’s own definition of the Gospel: the gospel is that “which you heard from the beginning” (1 John 2:24). This special message cannot be changed, redefined or added to. Note how strongly Paul makes this point in Galatians 1:8–9, where he says that it cannot be altered even by divine revelation (”an angel from heaven”).
The everlasting Gospel is the means by which God has chosen to save sinners.
The everlasting Gospel was first announced by the apostles on the basis of the Cross and resurrection of Christ, and it remains until the end of the world, for it is the means by which God has chosen to save sinners. There are no adjustments, no fine-tuning. The everlasting Gospel is it: the good news for every sinner, in every circumstance, and for all time.
We can restate it but never redefine it, we can magnify it but never augment it, we can reclaim it but never claim to own it – that’s the everlasting Gospel! And we must always confess that we are the ones who need it most. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: Who needs the Gospel the most? The sinners “out there,” or you yourself? The answer to that question will determine your religious experience, and may determine your salvation. Ask God to find a way to convince you even more of your personal need of his grace.
Okurut Martin
Mar 1, 2022
Sharing the gospel in faith, truth and love earns more harvest. Am trying to derive the story of a good Samaritan in the Bible who did not even artered any word of life to this bruised man but rather his action preached to this man's soul and he went on pondering who this Samaritan man was!. The Samaritan approach and criteria was very simple. We as well do the same in Jesus' name.