Unlimited: Share with Those in Need

Aug 3, 2023 2273

Unlimited: Share with Those in Need

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need (Romans 12:13a).

Paul is continuing to tell us what the life of a person, in whom the Spirit lives, will look like. In commanding us to share with the Lord’s people who are in need, he is reflecting the practice of the earliest believers, as the book of Acts tells us:

All the believers were together and had everything in common (Acts 2:44).

After the resurrection of Jesus, his followers understood that their world had changed. The kingdom of God had come! Nothing was as it had been before. If they had thought that they owned things before now they realised that they owned nothing. It all belonged to the Lord and therefore to the community of faith for the purpose of spreading the message about the risen Saviour.

In commanding us to share with the Lord’s people who are in need, Paul is reflecting the practice of the earliest believers

That’s the reason why the very first Christians sold their possessions and gave the proceeds to those who were in need (Acts 2:45), as Jesus had told the rich young ruler to do (Mark 10:17–27.) There have also been some Christians who have felt called to do that throughout subsequent history, because of their love for Christ and others, or because they have been convinced that Jesus was returning imminently.

While that may not necessarily be what Jesus calls everyone to do today, the principle still holds true today.

Spiritual Application

Think about those around you who may be in need, and perhaps someone who isn’t in your immediate circle of friends or acquaintances. This week, pick someone, and do just what this verse says.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Eliezer Gonzalez

Sep 8, 2023

Hello Rowland. You cannot force people. If they will listen to your words, perhaps they will listen to the love you show in your life. Grace and Peace, Eliezer.


Aug 3, 2023

Thank you for today’s message. My is a question which always bothers me. It goes like this, if you have a friend whom you tried every possible means to show him or her the way to Christ and he or she does not allow you to do that, what should you do next? Thank you.

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