Unlimited: Sin Before the Law
Sep 14, 2022 963

To be sure, sin was in the world before the law was given (Romans 5:13a)
Paul’s point is evident, that there was sin in the world before Sinai. As examples, see Genesis 4:7;18:20; 20:9; 39:9; Exodus 10:17.
Some people think that God’s law only started at Sinai. However, if God is righteousness, then he cannot be lawless, for the two concepts are completely opposite to each other. When we think of the law of God, we shouldn’t think of some arbitrary legal code, rather God’s law is a reflection of his own being and character. As long as God has existed, his law has existed, because he is righteous.
Since the fall in Eden, there has never been a time without sin, and there has never been a time without the love and grace of God to deal with it.
When Paul refers to the time “before the law was given” he is referring to the time before God gave Israel the law at Mt Sinai in written form. The Ten Commandments that they received were an expression of God’s law appropriate for their time and culture. We don’t, for example, have servants doing work for us in our day and age, nor do we have oxen or donkeys in our homes today (Ex. 20:10;17.) The words might not all be relevant for us, yet the principles endure.
The New Testament makes it clear that the fundamental principle underpinning all of God’s law is love (Matt. 22:34–40; Rom. 13:10; Gal. 5:14.) This is natural, since God himself is love (1 John 4:8.)
Spiritual Application
Since the fall in Eden, there has never been a time without sin, and there has never been a time without the love and grace of God to deal with it. Has that been true in your life also?
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