Unlimited: That I May Come to You with Joy

Dec 18, 2023 864

Unlimited: That I May Come to You with Joy

so that I may come to you with joy, by God’s will, and in your company be refreshed (Romans 15:32).

Paul’s prayer was indeed answered, although not in the way he had imagined. He did indeed come to the believers in Rome, although in chains. Even so, he came to Rome in joy. The book of Acts describes how Paul was welcomed by the believers when, as a prisoner, he finally arrived in Rome:

…And so we came to Rome. The brothers and sisters there had heard that we were coming, and they traveled as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns to meet us. At the sight of these people Paul thanked God and was encouraged (Acts 28:14–15.)

Even so, he came to Rome in joy.

As Paul had prayed, the believers in Rome were refreshed by his presence among them. All of this was by God’s permissive will. Paul’s prayer was answered, but not in the way that Paul had expected.

Our God is a God of surprises. The reason is that he knows the end from the beginning. He always has his eye on the “long game,” which is not bounded by this calendar year, or your life on this earth, or by the outcomes you can yourself foresee. Instead, God’s eye is on the eternal plan, and eternal outcomes.

The apostle Paul understood this, and he always subjected his prayer to God’s permissive will.

Spiritual Application

Can you think of a time when you prayed for something, and God gave you something even better? What important things are you praying for today? Are you willing to surrender them to God and to simply trust him?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Olivia Jeter

Dec 19, 2023

My brother in Christ I thank you for your words of wisdom cause your words truly touched me I give my father the glory amen


Dec 18, 2023

God will always provide. Sometimes we have to wait though and that can be hard, but this is where faith comes in. Waiting for our [art in the greater picture is not something people like to do, and this is why people think God does not answer prayers. We tend to look at a single puzzle piece as its the most important thing in the universe, and to us it may be. But God has bigger plans and we are but a part of the whole puzzle picture. Ahoh

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