Unlimited: The Advantage of Being a Jew
May 25, 2022 1335

What advantage, then, is there in being a Jew, or what value is there in circumcision? 2 Much in every way! First of all, the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God (Romans 3:1–2).
Paul has just systematically demolished the pride which the Jewish segment of his audience considered their Jewish religious identity. He has demonstrated that they are essentially no better than the Gentiles, whom the Jews disparagingly referred to as “dogs.” The apostle has told his fellow Jews that Abraham’s true descendants are those whose hearts, and not their bodies, have been circumcised by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 2:29.)
The purpose of all of these advantages was to foreshadow the coming Messiah and to prepare the nation to receive him.
Now Paul turns his argument around to point out that there is indeed great value in being a Jew. The key reason to which he points is that God’s revelation, until that point in history, had come through the Jews. As he will write a little later in his letter,
Theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, the covenants, the receiving of the law, the temple worship and the promises (Rom 9:4).
The purpose of all of these advantages was to foreshadow the coming Messiah and to prepare the nation to receive him. In failing to view all of these blessings in their spiritual sense, they failed to understand their purpose.
It is an awesome privilege to have been “entrusted with the very words of God.” He has entrusted you and me with the greatest word of all: the word of the Gospel. Let us never fail to appreciate that gift.
Spiritual Application
What are the advantages of your belonging to the particular Christian church you attend? Make a list. Review your list in the light of what Paul says in Romans chapters 2 and 3. Are your reasons Biblical?
Okurut Martin
May 26, 2022
Are your reasons Biblical. This is a serious query that requires our attention and application. Some religions count it as a wast of time and some of us come from such religions where laws observance is mandatory . Practicing a law forcefully is not adhering the law and its falsehood. Thanks for the word.