Unlimited: The Deadly Commandment
Nov 21, 2022 1078

I found that the very commandment that was intended to bring life actually brought death (Romans 7:10).
Paul is highlighting the paradox of the commandments of God. They highlight the perfection of life required in order to live eternally before God. However, because of this very function, the commandments highlight the sin within us, so that we are actually condemned by the righteousness of the law.
When the Ten Commandments were given at Sinai, 3,000 died (Ex. 32:28). When Jesus was preached at Pentecost (Acts 2:41), around 3,000 were saved. The law was intended to bring life because it was intended to point us to our need of salvation, but unless we turn to Jesus for that salvation, the law will only bring us death.
The commandments highlight the sin within us, so that we are actually condemned by the righteousness of the law.
Many followers of Jesus exist in a state in which they feel the condemnation that the law brings, while still trying to obtain life from the law. Their lives remain stressfully suspended at this point, while they are not willing to turn away from the law for righteousness, and to turn to Christ fully.
I know. I used to be one of them. It is a miserable way to live. One lives in a state of perpetual hypocrisy, pretending you have peace and joy in your life, because you are meant to be a Christian. However, all the while there is emptiness and barrenness in your soul.
Spiritual Application
The only way to understand and to find joy in God’s law is to turn fully to Jesus alone for your righteous standing before God. Is this what you are doing in your life?
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