Unlimited: The Forbearance of God

Jun 27, 2022 1334

Unlimited: The Forbearance of God

…because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished (Romans 3:25(e).)

Adam and Eve should have died in Eden, the moment they separated themselves from the Source of Life by sinning. That’s what God had said to them:

…of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (Gen. 2:17; See also Rom. 6:23.)

I have heard various explanations of why Adam and Eve didn’t die then and there. One of them is that they “began to die” because the process of physical death began at that time. But the reason why they didn’t die is because of the forbearance of God. “Forbearance” means “a holding back, a delaying”; in this case, a “holding back” of punishment.

It is only because of the forbearance of God that you and I do not receive what we deserve today.

Why did our first parents not die the very day that they sinned? Because the Son of God stood in their stead, and pledged his life for theirs, so that they would have the opportunity to repent and return to a right relationship with God. That’s why Jesus is the “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13:8.)

It is only because of the forbearance of God that you and I do not receive what we deserve today. Instead, we live by grace: the grace of Jesus, to whom we owe all.

Spiritual Application

Take some time to reflect on the goodness of God shown to you through Jesus Christ. Every breath that we human beings take on this earth is due to the sacrifice of Christ at Calvary. There is nothing apart from Jesus.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

George Prabon

Jul 4, 2022

Amen,God is so amazing His grace is endless in our lives,all we have to do is repent everything we sin...

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