Unlimited: The Gift of Owning Nothing

Dec 10, 2019 1661

Unlimited: The Gift of Owning Nothing

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms (I Peter 4:10, NIV).

Unless we are first clear as to the meaning of life, why we are here and where we are going, there is neither sense nor meaning for the sorrows of life. How you and I think of death makes all the difference to how we live.

Only in Christ does human life find meaning. He did not idly say, ‘I am … the life’ and ‘I am … the truth’. He is the truth about all things, including life and death. If we are to be raised from the dead as he was, we must live in the spirit that he lived.

But there’s more than that. All the gifts of this life are the result of Christ’s Cross. It was his volunteering in Eden to take man’s place, his guilt and punishment, which saved the human race from extinction there and then. Thus, everything we know that is good  – life itself, food, drink, the air we breathe, the clothes we wear, our loved ones and friends – all are stamped with the Cross of Calvary which bought them.

Therefore, we own nothing. We are just stewards of the gifts of his grace, and everything should be used to his glory. To live as though we simply belong to ourselves is to live and die as fools.

– Des Ford (adapted)

Eli’s Reflection: It is easy to have sticky fingers on our possessions and on our loved ones. God has entrusted our homes and families to us to stewards. They do not belong to us. Does this give you a new sense of freedom? How can you use these gifts to glorify God?

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Dec 12, 2019

Sorry. I meant. Because He lives l can face tomorrow and can endure,. Amen


Dec 12, 2019

Because he lives clan face tomorrow, because l know He holds the future. I can face any problem. Amen. Mathew 7:7 ask and it will be given unto you. Seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open. Gethesmane he prayed and endured. My example, when burdened. Amen

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