Unlimited: The Glory That Will Be Revealed

Jan 18, 2023 978

Unlimited: The Glory That Will Be Revealed

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18).

Paul has just told us that the path to glory is the way of suffering. Here he acknowledges that we are suffering right now. Now the apostle lays down an important reality that should never fail to inspire us in our journey through life: The glory that will be revealed will so overwhelm our present sufferings, that in the light of eternity they will seem as nothing.

This doesn’t minimise our present sufferings. It doesn’t minimise the mourning, the loss, and the pain. These things are real and never to be trivialised. However, Paul is telling us that there is a greater reality coming, and it will make whatever we have suffered in this life all worth the struggle.

The glory that will be revealed will so overwhelm our present sufferings, that in the light of eternity they will seem as nothing.

Paul tells us that this reality that will be revealed will be revealed in us. We often hope for the glory that will be revealed around us: the holy city, the golden streets, the golden crown, and so on. Yet Paul doesn’t point to any of these things as the main thing. The main reward is what will be revealed in us.

The glory that will be revealed in us will be total and eternal deliverance from this body of flesh. It will be the perfect and complete presence of Christ in our lives. It will be full communion with God.

Spiritual Application

The glory that will be revealed in us will be fully manifested at the second coming. You will never be ready for the second coming unless you have accepted the first. On which do you place your focus: the first or the second?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Reginald Cee

Feb 5, 2023

Thanks for the the good news

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