Unlimited: The Hope of Glory

Aug 24, 2022 1042

Unlimited: The Hope of Glory

And we boast in the hope of the glory of God (Romans 5:2b.)

When we have peace with God as a result of being made right with him through Christ, we don’t boast in ourselves and our works and performance. No! Instead “we boast in the hope of the glory of God.”

The hope of glory refers to the fulness of God’s glory that is to be revealed at the coming of Christ. The desire of the saved is to walk fully and entirely in God’s glory.

For some Christians, “hope” is mournfully looking forward to the time when God will remove them from this world so they can be happy. For them, hope is a matter of gritting their teeth and putting up with all the bad stuff.

We boast in the hope of glory, the glory of God.

This isn’t Paul’s understanding of what hope of glory is. For him, hope is joyfully exuberant, so much so that he boasts of it!

Long ago, God had spoken through the prophet Jeremiah:

 …let the one who boasts boast about this:
    that they have the understanding to know me…
(Jer. 9:24).

Paul boasted that Christ loved him and that he had received kindness and righteousness from the Lord. Jesus had done this by justifying him and thereby making him right before God at the Cross. That is the greatest and best boast that any person can make.

Spiritual Application

Make a list of three things you can boast about. Remember, this is about God, not yourself. Share your godly boasting with someone in an email or private message. Boast a little!

Eliezer Gonzalez

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