Unlimited: The Kingdom’s Cure for Prejudice
May 7, 2018 1690
All of you are brothers and sisters (Matthew 23:8, CEB.)
We live in a world that’s fragmented by prejudice. None of us really thinks that we’re prejudiced, but mostly we are.
The Gospels can be easily seen as the story of how, at every turn, Jesus confronted, rebuked, and demolished prejudice both with his inclusive and redemptive teachings, and with his example.
Jesus taught that there should be no hierarchical distinctions between us, because all of you are brothers and sisters (Matthew 23:8, CEB).
What can cure our prejudice? The Cross is the God’s cure for prejudice (Ephesians 2:14–18; John 12:32).
The Cross jolts us out of the false safety we seek in prejudice by showing us the darkest evil that is the ultimate result of prejudice. The Cross also shows us how prejudice is overcome with love.
At the Cross, the only righteous one is Christ. The rest of us are the ones whose sins put him there. When we understand this, we realise that there are no second–class seats at the foot of the Cross. There’s kneeling room only.
The Cross is God’s ultimate stand against prejudice. Like today, it seemed for a time that prejudice had won. But with Christ’s resurrection, the gates of heaven swung open to receive all who trust in him, without distinction. – Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Examine yourself carefully. Are some groups of people against whom you have some prejudice? Who are they? For the sake of Christ, do something to actively break down the wall of prejudice between you and those people. This should involve real and caring interaction.
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