Unlimited: The Meaning of Grace!
Mar 26, 2017 22107
My grace is all you need (2 Corinthians 12:9).
“Grace” is a popular girl’s name, but how many people know the meaning of grace? The meaning of the name “Grace” is “continual favour,” “eternal love,” “unfailing kindness,” and “tender mercy” – all of those things rolled into one!
Grace challenges us at every level of our being because the Bible tells us that grace is for the graceless. It’s not grace if it’s given to the deserving. The Bible shows us how God is the example of the meaning of Grace because of who He is:
- For God so loved the world (John 3:16) …That’s grace!
- This Man receives sinners (Luke 15:2) …That’s grace!
- Every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven to men (Matthew 12:31) …That’s grace!
The grace of God has blessed every believer through faith in Jesus Christ:
- For the law was given through Moses; grace… came through Jesus Christ (John 1:17).
The Meaning of Grace is Love Incarnate in Jesus
Grace is not some abstract theological concept. Grace is love incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ. Grace came to us at Bethlehem, on the shores of Lake Galilee, and a hill outside Jerusalem. And Grace comes to us today.
I think more babies should be named “Grace” and so more parents can share the Gospel with people who ask them what they have named their baby!
What does your name mean? Look it up. Do you live up to what your name means? If not, there’s grace for you! In what area of your life do you most need grace? Pray for it and receive it with gratitude.
Share the meaning of your name and how God’s grace changed your life below. You can also share your victories and challenges in the Discipleship Group on Facebook!
I was named after my grandfather whose first name was Joseph. The origin of the name is Hebrew and is pronounced "Yosef" meaning "God will give" or "God will add." The name resonates one of God's attributes "Jehovah Jireh," which means "God will provide." The biblical personalities of this name are remarkable. In the OT, the name "Joseph" calls to mind the last but one son of Jacob who rose from prison to become prime minister of Egypt (Gen. 37-42) - His life was a demonstration of divine grace. In the NT two personalities come to mind. The first is the husband of Mary, the mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:18-25) - His life was an expression of the conduit of divine grace. The second is Joseph of Arimathea (Matt. 27:57-60) - His life was an expression of the grace of divine favor. As a sinner who was saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, I pray that my life, like the exemplary lives of Josephs in the Bible, becomes a contemporary expression of the work of divine grace. I look forward to his intervention to raise me up as a downtrodden person without respect in both family and society because of lies being perpetuated against me, to once again proclaim his name with courage, strength and power to his own glory (PS. 115:1).
Simon kaonga
Jan 10, 2023
I'm simon Kaonga I used to be a drunkard, mostly I was likely smoking but as of now I stopped doing all these things, I'm a changed person. So by the grace of God I'm a different person for I know grace of God is upon so I have to be close the Lord hold His gracious