Unlimited: The Most Important Fight of All

Dec 14, 2021 1293

Unlimited: The Most Important Fight of All

Fight the good fight of faith (1 Timothy 6:12, NKJV).

There is a far more important war than any war that was ever waged by man. The warfare I speak of is our “spiritual war”.

Many people know nothing about this war of the spirit. Mention it to them, and they might be ready to consider you a madman, an enthusiast, or a fool. And yet it is as real and true as any war the world has ever seen. It has its hand-to-hand conflicts and its wounds. It has its sieges and assaults. It has its victories and its defeats. In this spiritual warfare the consequences, when the fight is over, are unchangeable and eternal.

It is of this warfare that St. Paul spoke to Timothy, when he wrote those burning words: “Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold on eternal life.”

Fight the good fight of faith.

We find ourselves today at a critical period of the world’s history. Men’s minds are full of “wars and rumours of wars.” People are full of fear while they look at the things that are happening in the world—and with good reason. On every side the horizon looks black and gloomy. Who can tell when the storm will burst? These are the solemn words which the Holy Spirit inspired St. Paul to write down: “Fight the good fight of faith.” – J.C. Ryle (adapted)

Reflection: Some people look upon “spiritual warfare” with fascination and dread, but the truth is that we are all engaged in it in every moment of our day. You will be involved in it during all of today. That’s why it’s important that you start your day by getting your orders and power from Jesus.

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