Unlimited: The Nazareth Syndrome

Jul 4, 2019 1789

All who were there, watching and listening, were surprised at how well he spoke. But they also said, “Isn’t this Joseph’s son, the one we’ve known since he was a youngster?” (Luke 4:22, MSG).

The Nazareth Syndrome is when you think you know Jesus but you don’t.

After spending forty days and forty nights in the wilderness, Jesus returned to Nazareth to commence his ministry. Nazareth was his home town, where Jesus had grown up, and where he had run the carpenter shop after the death of his father.

The people of Nazareth had grown up with Jesus, so they thought they knew him. After all, they had seen him grow up and they knew his mother and his brothers. But they didn’t know Jesus at all. What follows next is shocking. They tried to kill him (v.29).

Never let yourself become so comfortable with what you think you know, that Jesus no longer challenges you.

The Nazareth Syndrome is everywhere. You see it in people who reject Jesus because they think they know who he is. You see it in people who’ve grown up in church and they think they know Jesus because they know church. They don’t like the “Jesus” that they’ve seen and heard about through their religious experiences and so they end up rejecting him. And it could even be that they try to kill him: not physically, but by silencing his claims on their lives. The responsibility we have to tell others about who Jesus really is, is immense. − Eliezer Gonzalez

 Eli’s Reflection: Have you seen the Nazareth Syndrome played out in your life or in the life of someone in your family? What can you do to connect that person (it could be yourself) with who Jesus really is?


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Eliezer Gonzalez

Oct 9, 2019

Hi Yonas. I am well thank you. We don't have the capacity to put any more resources into overseas work at present, thank you.

yonas solomon

Jul 5, 2019

hy dear how are you doing ? i am fine thanks lord for everything for last three week i was offline because of i think you hear .about Ethiopia situation now so its no internet . i want to discuss and serve with you because i ll see you good way servant'' contact me please +251920386228 +251912043229

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