Unlimited: The People Jesus Didn’t Die For

Sep 5, 2022 1092

Unlimited: The People Jesus Didn’t Die For

Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die (Romans 5:7).

We often talk about who Jesus did die for, but we don’t mention who he didn’t die for. Paul continues his striking series of images here, where he tells us the sort of person that Jesus didn’t die for.

Jesus didn’t die for the righteous. This seems very strange, because Paul is about to tell us  soon in his epistle that Jesus died for the whole world. However,

It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick… (Luke 5:31).

Any person who is already righteous doesn’t need salvation. Such people don’t need Christ’s death on the cross.

However, the truth is that there is no one who is righteous on earth, and there is no one who is good. Therefore, Christ died for all.

Jesus didn’t die for the righteous.

Jesus has provided a salvation for all at the Cross, but those who are self-righteous will tragically never see their need for it.

The point that Paul is making is, who would ever die for the sake of a sinner? Someone may be prepared to die for a good person. But for someone who is wickedly vile? Let me make the question very direct for you. Would you run into a building that is on fire and collapsing to save an unrepentant child rapist? That makes it personal, doesn’t it?

Spiritual Application

It’s easy to say that Jesus died for the world, or that he died for sinners, but when you really internalize the fact that he died for you, your life will be transformed. Read one of the gospel accounts of the Cross. Imagine yourself at the scene. Let that lead you into prayer.

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Philip Martey

Sep 5, 2022

While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

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