Unlimited: The Sheep Will Be Scattered

Jul 19, 2024 2154

Unlimited: The Sheep Will Be Scattered

“You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is written: “‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered’ (Mark 14:27, NIV).

Jesus and his disciples left the room where they celebrated the Passover meal. They then walked past the Temple, out of the city, and then down into the Kidron Valley, and up onto the slopes of the Mount of Olives. This walk may have taken up to 40 minutes.

Jesus took this opportunity to tell them some final things that were of great importance.

Jesus is an optimist, so why would he tell them that they would all abandon him? Why not simply keep encouraging them?

It was because Jesus is a realistic optimist, and he knows that he had to get the disciples safely through the other side of the terrible events that are about to occur. Part of this process was to prepare his disciples by telling them what will happen.

Jesus is simply telling them the truth. He always tells us the truth, even when it isn’t what we want to hear.

It is also interesting to see how Jesus continues to build his disciples’ faith in him by appealing to the Old Testament. These work together. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will trust in the Word of God.

– Eliezer Gonzalez

Eli’s Reflection: Take some time to think carefully about those times in your life when your faith in God has been stronger, and those times when it has been weaker. How has your faith been affected by the external circumstances of your life? What habit can you start today to help you be strong, and not “fall away” when the tough times come?

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Apr 19, 2021


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