Unlimited: The Spirit Helps Us

Jan 30, 2023 907

Unlimited: The Spirit Helps Us

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness (Romans 8:26a).

In Romans 7, Paul has been telling us about our weaknesses. He has told us to wait patiently for the glory that will come at the second coming of Christ. Yet we have not been left alone. The Spirit has been sent into our lives, and it is he who helps us in our weakness.

In my legalistic days I used to think that this meant that the Spirit of God helps us in our weakness in order for us to become more righteous and more acceptable to God. While it is certainly true that the Spirit of God helps us to align our lives with his will, and to become more obedient, this is as a result of having been saved. It isn’t a condition for being saved.

The Spirit has been sent into our lives, and it is he who helps us in our weakness.

The truth, that we often don’t want to face, is that we have many weaknesses. Without Christ it is our weaknesses that define us. However, when we are in Christ, we have strength for whatever may come.

The apostle Paul consistently refers to Jesus being present with us through the Holy Spirit, calling him the “Spirit of Christ” (Rom. 8:9), and even stating that,

…the Lord is the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17).

As Paul magnificently writes to the church at Philippi:

…I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength (Phil. 4:13.)

Spiritual Application

Are you able to point to a time when the Spirit helped you in your weakness? Share it with someone who is facing a difficult time.

Eliezer Gonzalez

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