Unlimited: The Unfinished Prayer
Jul 29, 2019 1515
But now, please forgive their sin—but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written (Exodus 32:32, NIV).
The next day after the apostasy at the foot of Mount Sinai, Moses is pleading with the Lord to show mercy to his people. Moses says to God,
But now, please forgive their sin –
Do you see the dash? It indicates a long silence. It was an unfinished prayer. This shows the deepest emotion at this point. Did Moses sob and weep tears of grief and love for his people?
Moses’ heart was breaking as suddenly the possibility that the Lord might not have been able to forgive their sin filled his mind. For a moment, he had no words.
And when he spoke again, Moses voiced the only thing that he could offer:
but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written.
Moses’ prayer was an unfinished prayer that was perfectly finished by love. Sometimes the best prayers end in silence.
This self-sacrificing love is why God pointed to Moses as being “like” the coming Messiah (Deuteronomy 18:15). In the silence of Moses, we see a foreshadowing of the silence of God as he offered himself, through the Son to save his people.
Are your prayers all about you and your complaints and needs and wants? Even more than that, do your prayers come from a heart of sacrificial love? – Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Listen to a prayer when someone else is praying. How much of it is praying for ourselves? How much of it seems heartfelt? How much of it seems just clichés? Then think about how you need to change your own prayer life. Do something about it. Who is on your heart today?
Once we get to know our savior better, everything will be clear. Walk in his footsteps . Feed on his love through scriptures and through obedience, there after. Be prayerful, in gratitude and pray for others. Feel Gods presence at all time. Read isiah 35:8-10, Daniel 12:10 Amen
I love unlimited world spread fast
Tamba John Gbandeh
Aug 1, 2019
Thanks! Win more souls! Let's be fishers of men!