Unlimited: The Voice from the Heart of Darkness
Sep 10, 2019 2608
A great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces… but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice (1 Kings 19:11-13, NKJV).
We expect to see God in beauty, praise, and joy. We expect to see God in light. But what happens when all we see is darkness?
When the Children of Israel arrived at Mt Sinai, they were terrified. Later, Moses, remembering that event, said to the people, “You heard the voice from the heart of the darkness, while the mountain was blazing with fire” (Deuteronomy 5:23, NLT).
Around fifteen hundred years later, there was darkness on a hill outside Jerusalem. It was truly the heart of darkness, for there on that hill, the Son of God brutally died as a victim of the hatred of this world.
There, from the heart of darkness, came the greatest revelation of God ever given to this world. There, God announced mercy and grace for this world. They had witnessed darkness vanquished by love.
Perhaps your relationship is crumbling. Perhaps sin has you in its deepest grip. Perhaps the doctors have told you that your time is short. There is a special blessing when you can hear the voice of God even from the heart of darkness.
From the heart of the darkness, God speaks to you of his faithful love for you. He speaks of strength and victory. He speaks of a future that is far, far better than your past. Will you trust him?
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Read 1 Kings 19:7-13 carefully. Notice how the voice of God is heard, not in glory, but in stillness; not amid drama, but amid peace. Yet it is heard in the midst of devastation. Reflect on what this means.
Beautiful word to my soul. I receive it in the mighty name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth. Thanks for this word of encouragement
Thank you servant of God for this article. It blessed me especially that i have been unhappy seeing how the devil is trying to cheat and confuse people through preachers to think that God's voice is only heard in might things, by the so called mighty preachers, by shouting with highest our voices and making noises in the church, or by making loud and long prayers. God's voice can be heard in stillness too and more so in the heart of darkness!
Gdmorning pastor, thank you for your response.But to me it's still confusing to identify God's call.Someone told me that when you dream fishing that is a sign that God is calling you to serve Him.Is true?Thank you
Eliezer Gonzalez
Sep 11, 2019
God does not speak to each person in the the same way. If you walk with God you will know his voice.