Unlimited: The Wrath of God

Apr 18, 2022 1301

Unlimited: The Wrath of God

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness (Romans 1:18)

The apostle Paul now introduces a concept that we modern people don’t like to mention much: the wrath of God. “Wrath” is an old-fashioned world that means “anger.”

Some people think that God is a wrathful God, but that isn’t true. The anger of God isn’t a quality of God’s character. He isn’t an angry God. He is a God of love. God’s anger isn’t fickle and isn’t random. It has a very specific object: wickedness.

The wrath of God will be revealed from heaven against all those who suppress the Gospel.

God’s anger is nothing like human anger. God’s anger is never selfish and never vindictive. It always has a positive purpose. The purpose of God’s anger is always to defend and save the weak, the oppressed, and the lost. That’s why the wrath of God is revealed against all wickedness.

In this verse Paul is referring to a very specific kind of wickedness. Paul is specifically referring to the godlessness and wickedness of people who suppress the truth.

To what truth is Paul referring? Paul is obviously referring to the truth about the Gospel. To suppress the Gospel is a work of godlessness and wickedness. The wrath of God will be revealed from heaven against all those who suppress the Gospel.

Spiritual Application

It is shocking to realise that there are a myriad of ways in which Christianity has suppressed the Gospel. There are likewise many ways in which Christians themselves can be tempted to suppress it in their personal lives. Think about it. What are some of those ways?

Eliezer Gonzalez

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Okurut Martin

Apr 22, 2022

True the wrath of God is coming and many who don't believe in His existence and majesty shall all fall victims at His coming. Many religions today only spot God as God of the universe and they deny the truth about Jesus Christ as being ason of God with claims that God does not produce and Jesus can't be in the level of God neither can he be God. The wrath of God is coming, oh yeah is coming. We shall witness it.

Elaine Walters

Apr 18, 2022

Thank you for all the encouragement you give me to cover every aspect of my life and to help us all to look into our own lives too look at how we can change but ultimately it is God who changes us and we must truly believe and trust him more.

Shirley Glover

Apr 18, 2022

I loved April 17th.................encouragement is what we all need at various stages of life.

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