Unlimited: There Is A Perfect Church

Sep 8, 2021 1860

Unlimited: There Is A Perfect Church

Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word (Ephesians 5:25–26).

Imagine the perfect church. The perfect church would have the perfect church building, pretty as a post-card, with the perfect lawn at the front.

When you walk into the perfect church you’d see all those perfect people, warm and welcoming. Everyone is smiling all the time. No-one ever disagrees in the perfect church.

Of course the perfect church would have the perfect pastor – and naturally he’d be a great speaker.

Everyone will always want to come to the perfect programs that are run by the perfect church. Oh, and did I tell you that the perfect church would have the perfect music?

I hope you’re imagining the perfect church. Because if you ever found it, I can tell you one thing: you’d never be allowed in.

What is a perfect church?

Let’s come back to reality now. There’s no perfect church, because there are no perfect people. When the Bible says that “all have sinned” (Romans 3:23), it means “all,” and he doesn’t mean that they only sinned before they started going to church!

The good news is that church is for sinners. In fact, you should find a church where they actually let people like me and you in! Now that’s a perfect church, a church that Christ loves (Ephesians 5:25)! – Eliezer Gonzalez

Reflection: What is your church like? Is it filled with sinners? Good! How can you love and serve them better, just like Jesus did? Don’t just think about it; do something!

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