Unlimited: They Will Stand

Sep 29, 2023 2365

Unlimited: They Will Stand

And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand (Romans 14:4b).

Paul writes this in the context of differences over sacred days and foods which may be eaten. These are examples, among others, of issues which some Christians turn into essentials for salvation, and they therefore judge and condemn those who do not agree or practice these things as they do.

It is very striking that the apostle here affirms that even though these are contentious and divisive issues for the church, they are not divisive issues for God. He tells the church in Rome very clearly that those people with whom we disagree within the Christian community, will stand in the day of judgment, because the Lord will make them to stand.

They will stand in the day of judgment, because the Lord will make them to stand.

There are many similar issues which have emerged throughout the history of the church. It isn’t right that, as has happened throughout history, issues that are ultimately not central to the Gospel should be the cause of the bitterest divisions between the professed people of God.

We should also not use the general idea of the “Gospel” to justify our dissensions within the church. While Paul definitely makes the Gospel an issue on which we must stand, he defines the Gospel very clearly and very narrowly. It is not to be used as an “umbrella” excuse for our bickering on non-essential issues.

Spiritual Application

If the Lord will make many of those people with whom we disagree within the Christian community to stand in the day of judgment, what right do we have to try to tear them down now?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News


Sep 30, 2023

You have wise words. It is too bad that more Christians do not understand these things. Ahoh Ketchakah

Herbert Katundu

Sep 29, 2023

We do not have any rights to tear them down, but to leave everything in God's hands

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