Unlimited: Through the Door of Faith
Oct 31, 2019 21575
They… reported all that God had done… and how he had opened a door of faith to the Gentiles (Acts 14:27, NIV).
It’s really important to be able to open doors!
I was once about to preach to a packed hall of people in Ukraine and my Russian interpreter was nowhere to be found! You see, he’d gone to the toilet and then found himself locked in! I had to start preaching without him. It was a great message. I said things like “God loves you” in Russian several times because it was one of the only Russian phrases I knew! Finally, my interpreter was able to escape from the toilet and join me.
The Christian message announces that the door to eternal life isn’t made of wood or metal. It is not made of compliance to specified standards of behaviour, and the door to eternal life isn’t made of belief in doctrines.
Jesus is the Door of Faith
True Christianity announces that the door to eternal life is made of faith. Jesus made it clear that he himself is the door of faith:
I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved (John 10:9, NASB).
How do you enter into salvation through Jesus? You do it by having faith in him:
He who believes in Me will live (John 11:25).
That’s why “the door of faith” is Jesus Christ himself.
And he isn’t just a door; Christ is an open door for all who believe.
– Eliezer Gonzalez
Eli’s Reflection: Make a list of all the doors that Jesus Christ has opened in your life. Share it with someone who needs to be encouraged by your testimony and share it in the comments below!
When I was 12 I throw up six time after the fourth time I had so much pain right lower abdomen but I was shy An did not say anything Friday but Monday mom took my temperature and it was high. So she call the doctor first come at 8P.M. but they called back and said 2:00 so I when to the doctor at 2:00 from there I when to the hospital and by 4:30 I was in the operating room because my appendix broke that Friday before and when my grandfather pass we found out he read or said psalm 91 everyday so that saved my life. An doctor Lauer and surgent when to the same church than they what to see what GOD did to save my life.
Jesus has opened the door of salvation and good health to me. Praise God
God is good all the time.
True, Faith and the corresponding actions gives life. It's possible to face challenging situations when your faith is a live. Imagine how Dr. fought so much to defend his faith by preaching to the Ukrainians even when the language seem to be a barrier. I believe we can preach the gospel no matter the impossibilities. Amen and Amen
God is faithful. Jesus Christ has delivered me from alcohol addiction. Am now free from all manner of addictions.I was very sick but now am completely healed in Jesus Christ. Amen
Thank so much for this am really bless
Thank you for the word,Yes Jesus is the open door,pastor am still going through difficult situations, my business is working, my finances brooked down completely, am a single mother,God has bless me with two wonderful Children, to God be the glory, they've gone through the university and college of education, the girl has been posted, but the boy still struggling to get a better job as a banker.pastor please remember us in prayer. Thank you for your daily messages. I believe God will open my door in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Jan 21, 2024
What a beautiful article. I needed this. Yes, Jesus it the door. The only door. How wonderful to be welcomed. One of the few Scriptures I read many moons ago as a teenager, that has stayed with me is what this article reminded me of: "Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and sup with him and he with me. (Rev 3.20) I never thought of Jesus as 'the Door' although I knew in my heart that He was. I can see Him standing with open arms, inviting us and waiting for us to enter in. Tonight it is a reality. Thankyou. I've lost count of all the doors He has opened for me - an important one is in the Door of Acceptance. For many long years, I have thought, 'Strangers took me in.' He promised to 'open prison doors and set the captive free'. And, in His own time, He did. He has opened doors in strangers' hearts and homes, a very special door in the heart of my dear most trustworthy and honest friend and sister with whom I spoke today whose very life and love in God the Father and son, has encouraged me in so many ways even though we have not seen each other in years. He opened the door of my Grandmothers' heart, when I was orphaned at birth; He opened various and different hearts of Doctors, people in the legal fraternity, guards, nurses, Magistrates, Judges, cops, people I have worked for, business people I've had dealings with along life's way, the hearts and minds of people in academia/educational institutions, provided opportunities for me, banks, older folk now gone, whom I knew from childhood who had faith in me, and so it goes - but most of all, He opened His own heart to me, He opened His life - the Way for me to come through His door, by faith in Him. I've been too busy reflecting on and thinking about the doors slammed in my face until now, to think about all the doors He has opened for me, and now I see Jesus the Door - I'm humbled that it's open to me. Leap over that threshhold. Life will never be the same. I looked up 'God loves you' in Russian. A Russian nurse once told me, The sky is blue in Russian. I have always said Hola boya nebo and probably always will. But I looked it up tonight and it is 'nebo (sky) goluboye'. I always think of God the Father, and Creation, and His Pure love, when I look at the sky. Now I see the 'Door to Heaven/Eternal Life'.