Unlimited: Under the Control of Righteousness
Nov 1, 2022 1099

When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness (Romans 6:20).
We live in an age that clamours for freedom. We all want freedom. We want freedom to travel wherever we like. We want freedom from ill health. We want freedom to have as much money as we like, and we call it financial freedom.
But not all freedom is good. There is a freedom we should not want, and that is to be free of the control of righteousness. This is a freedom that many seek, and that all who find it will regret, for to be free of the control of righteousness means to be under the control of sin.
You will always be under the control of either sin or righteousness. There is no middle ground between those who are under the control of sin and those who are under the control of righteousness.
Are you living under the control of righteousness or sin?
This doesn’t mean that those who are not Christians don’t do good things, just as it doesn’t mean that Christians don’t sin. Instead, this is referring to the power that predominates in the life. When our lives are surrendered to God, his righteousness will be at the root of our motivations and choices in life. Then, through the Spirit, we will see the fruit:
… love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control… (Gal. 5:22.)
Spiritual Application
On a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 means “slavery to sin” and 10 means under “the control of righteousness,” where would you rate yourself. Why? What haven’t you surrendered yet to God in your life?
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