Unlimited: Our Unrighteousness and God’s Righteousness

May 30, 2022 1911

Unlimited: Our Unrighteousness and God’s Righteousness

But if our unrighteousness brings out God’s righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) Certainly not! If that were so, how could God judge the world? (Romans 3:5–6).

The point the apostle Paul is making here is that God is never unjust in condemnation of us. A good example of what Paul is saying here is Judas. Judas’ unrighteousness in betraying Jesus to the Jewish religious authorities brought out God’s righteousness more clearly. It led to Jesus’ crucifixion. Indeed, Judas’ betrayal of the Lord had even been prophesied (Zech. 11:12–13..) We might say that Judas’ unrighteous actions were used, though not caused, by God to fulfil his plan. However, Judas’ condemnation is certain. Jesus said of him,

…woe to that man who betrays the Son of Man! It would be better for him if he had not been born (Matt. 26:24.)

God is righteous and just.

Judas could argue with God that he was only helping Jesus along and that his actions ended up being for good. Yet God would reply to him that sin is sin, and that what Judas did sprung from the evil motivations of his heart. It was only through God’s grace that he brought good out of Judas’ evil. That brings no credit to Judas, but rather to God.

Paul points out that trying to justify our actions before God and accusing him of injustice is “a human argument.” Only a human being, deficient in knowledge and wisdom would ever dare accuse God of injustice.

Spiritual Application

Have you ever been tempted to think that God was not fair in his dealings with you or with others? How did you overcome this? Is there someone who needs to hear about your experience this week?

Eliezer Gonzalez

Help Spread the Good News

Okurut Martin

Jun 1, 2022

Real Good News for the soul. Thanks am blessed .

Kelly Smith

May 31, 2022

I was confused once ; I thought of God as fickle. The Holy Spirit reminded me of something real simple: "An ENEMY has done this". Matthew 13:28. That reminder started me on the road to clarity concerning God's righteousness and his love for me.

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