Unlimited: Use What’s In Your Hand
Dec 16, 2021 1115

His disciples answered, “Where could we get enough bread in this remote place to feed such a crowd?” “How many loaves do you have?” Jesus asked (Matthew 15:32–34, NIV).
When Jesus suggested to the disciples that he wanted to feed the enormous crowd of 4,000 people by the lake, the disciples were full of excuses. Too often we are the same.
Just as he did with his disciples beside the lake, Jesus doesn’t take any notice of our excuses at all. Instead, he simply asks us what we have in our hand.
I imagine that when the disciples said they had seven loaves and a few fish, they thought Jesus would have responded, “I see. You were right. That’s useless. Let’s think of another plan.” But that’s not what Jesus said at all. Instead he took what they had in their hands and turned it into more than enough to feed 4,000 people.
What’s in your hand?
Don’t be frightened at the huge size of what Jesus asks us to do: to take the Bread of Life to the world. He doesn’t ask us to do the impossible. Not at all! He takes care of that.
All Jesus asks is that we give him what he has already put in our hands, no matter how humble or small, and he will do the rest. When you offer Jesus what’s in your hand, that’s when miracles happen.
Check what’s in your hands today. In faith, offer it to Jesus. Then stand back and watch what happens! – Eliezer Gonzalez
Reflection: Is there a challenge that you are facing today? What’s in your hand? What resources and abilities do you have that Jesus can use? Spend some time in prayer before you start your day, asking God to bless what you offer him, for his Kingdom’s glory.
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